Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that a website transfers to the browser on your computer’s hard disk so that the site can remember who you are. A cookie will typically contain the name of the website from which the cookie has come, the “lifetime” of the cookie, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number.

We cannot identify you personally by using a cookie. Cookies store no personal data and are not used to gather personal information.

How does Sustain Value use cookies?

To collect statistics about your use of our website, such as when you last visited the site. This information is used to improve the user experience on our website.

To temporarily store some of the visual changes you may make to how you view our website; e.g. change the view to ‘high visibility’.

In order to deliver the best possible experience, the site needs to know if you have JavaScript enabled. Instead of querying your browser each time a page loads, a cookie is set instead.

Enabling or disabling cookies

• We recommend that you allow all cookies set by this site as they help us provide you with a better service.

• If you decide to delete or disable our cookies then you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our website.

• Information about how to enable or disable cookies is available on the about cookies website.

• Cookies used by the Sustain Value website do not infringe on your privacy or threaten your computer’s security.


We use Squarespace Analytics to collect information about how visitors use our site. This information is used for reporting purposes and to help us improve the customer experience on our site.

Analytics uses its own cookie to track visitor interactions. The cookie is used to store information, such as what time the current visit occurred, whether the visitor has been to the site before, and what site referred the visitor to the web page.