Our partners


We have a growing number of partners that complement and strengthen our client offering. We have NDA agreements with each, and formal partnering agreements with some.

For further information on any of our partner offerings, or to discuss potentially partnering with us, please do get in touch.


Climate risk modelling

Four Twenty Seven offers science-driven risk analytics to deliver unique insights into the economic impacts of climate change for companies and financial institutions. Applications cover listed securities, site-specific risk assessments for real assets, and intelligence services for scenario analysis, market opportunities, and resilience strategies.

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Carbon offsetting - Net zero

Climate Care is an established project developer that helps organisations measure and offset their carbon emissions. Sustain Value works with Climate Care to help organisations evaluate, mitigate and offset environmental and social impacts - working towards Net Zero and Net Positive outcomes.  

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Impact rating - portfolios

Impak is a Canadian/French independent rating agency established to provide an objective impact assessment and scoring approach of global companies and portfolios. The methodology is based on leading international standards including the Impact Management Project and Sustainable Development Goals. Sustain Value is now actively promoting this exciting new offering in the UK.